Clarity + Creativity + Audacity
Our committed team can ship work packages fast
and dream up new products.
Focus + Practice + Grit
From bird's-eye/system-wide view down to minute details, we bend nature's strenghts at your service.
Benchmarking against best in class players and practicising continuous improvement towards leadership; eliciting inspiration.
Strong links with academic and specialized research centres, high-level education of our team members and consistent attendance of renowed world-class high-tech events, help us keeping in the loop and contributing to bleeding edge advancements. We favour positive collaborative research and keep our minds in shape to help our customers face new waves of innovation. Why? Because we want to change this world for the better.
Information and communication technology (ICT), green power, oil and gas, direction, change management, finance, parliamentary and telecoms industry; these are scopes of InnoInspire. How do we do? We could talk about lean management, streamlined digitized support infrastructure and so on, but it all boils down to creating ad-hoc task forces who can apply Focus + Practice + Grit. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" - Leonardo da Vinci.
We encourage projects that bring benefits to the entire community and always look for the sun in the sky. We hope that each of our collaborations can be a further launching pad for all the parts, setting the seeds for each to pursue one's own entrepreneurial endeavours, individually or in cooperation. Possibilities dwell in our company.